Weight loss with more food and fewer calories

  It may seem counterintuitive to lose weight while eating more, but it's entirely possible to pay attention to the quality of the calories you consume. Here's how to eat more food with fewer calories: DOWNLOADED KETO MEAL PLAN FOR WEIGHT LOSS👈 1. Prefers high-volume, high-calorie foods. **Greens and Fruits**: These are naturally low in calories but high in volume, and water content, helping to fill you up. Leafy greens, broccoli, berries, and citrus fruits are great choices. **Whole Grains**: Foods like oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice are high in fiber and can keep you fuller for longer. They are more filling than their better counterparts. DOWNLOADED KETO MEAL PLAN FOR WEIGHT LOSS👈 **Lean**: Adding lean foods like chicken breast, fish and fruit can help build muscle and contain a lot of calories. 2. Foods included in the test It is essential for weight loss because it makes you feel full and makes you feel fuller for longer. Aim to include beans, pulses, fruits and vegeta

Keto Cheese Danish Recipe

Keto Cheese Danish Recipe

If you're following a keto diet but still want a delicious pastry, these keto cheese danishes are the perfect solution. They are not only low in carbs but also full of flavor, making them a delicious treat for any time of day.


- 1 ½ cups of almond flour

- 2 tablespoons of coconut flour

- 1 teaspoon of baking powder

- 2 tablespoons of granulated erythritol

- 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

- 2 ounces of cream cheese

- 1 large egg

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

To fill

- 4 ounces cream cheese, soft

- 2 tablespoons of powdered erythritol

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

- 1 tablespoon heavy cream

 For the topping:

- Sugar-free strawberry jam or your favorite keto-friendly fruit preserves.


 1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

 2. In a medium bowl, mix the almond flour, coconut flour, baking powder, and granulated erythritol.

 3. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt mozzarella cheese and 2 ounces cream cheese together, heating in 30-second intervals until completely melted and combined.

 4. Add the melted cheese mixture to the dry ingredients. Mix in the eggs and vanilla extract until a dough forms. It is easiest to mix it by hand.

 2. Give the Danish form:

 1. Divide the dough into 6-8 equal portions. Roll each portion into a ball and place on the prepared baking sheet.

 2. Flatten each ball into a disk, making a small indentation in the center with your thumb.

 3. Prepare the filling:

 1. In a small bowl, beat together the softened cream cheese, powdered erythritol, vanilla extract, and heavy cream until smooth and creamy.

 2. Fill about a tablespoon of cream cheese into the indentation of each dough disk.

 4. Add the toppings:

 1. Spread a small amount of sugar-free strawberry jam or fruit preserves of your choice on top of the cream cheese filling.

5. Bake:

 1. Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes, or until the Danish is golden brown and the filling is set.

 2. Let cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.


- Make sure the mozzarella cheese is completely melted and mixed with the cream cheese so that the dough comes together properly.

- Feel free to use different sugar-free jams or fruit preserves to change up the flavors.

- Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtight container for up to a week. Enjoy cold or lightly warmed in the microwave.

These Keto Cheese Danishes are a fantastic way to indulge your sweet tooth while still sticking to your low-carb lifestyle. Enjoy the flaky crust and creamy filling without the guilt!


Enjoy your baking!


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